Monday, October 18, 2021

Lessons In Humility

 It has been some time since I last wrote in this blog. Much has happened. 

My world has been turned upside down repeatedly the past few years, something I've chosen not to mention here. 
The things that have happened to me have allowed me to look inwards a bit more and accept limitations. Which is to say, I am learning to live with knowing what I don't know. 
After years of questions, I was finally properly diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in late 2014, and in retrospect, this has shown a very bright light on all of my preceding life. That diagnosis, and the co-morbids, put my life in a whole new perspective. 

Which brings me to my astronomy.

These days, I am strictly visual. I never really got into astrophotography, the most I ever did was some video work. There is still so much of the sky that I haven't explored. 
I want to do this with my own eyes. 

Will I share things here? I'll try. But it seems now as though time is at a premium. There is still so much to learn. 

I want to know what I don't know, and even then, there are no guarantees that I'll know anything. 

1 comment:

Mircea said...


Welcome back to your blog.
Be sure, you have a reader here.
About knowleadge, I like this saying :

''Wise man is not who know all the answers but he who know all the questions''.

I wish you all the best, Mircea